
08 September 2011

Lost Love of a Spirit ( one shot part 1 )

Lost Love of a Spirit ( one shot part 1 )
0.60 min. | 0 user rating | views
Hayley Blake is Ariana Grande Brianna Parks is Nina Dobrev James Maslow as him self James's POV I sighed walking in to our apartment with the same broken heart I had a year ago.I picked up a picture of us sitting at the park on our anniversary. I sighed. us. what did that word mean anymore? I knew she was gone. She left me on June 19th.To become the angel she always was.Yes, the love of my life Hayley Blake ( no this is not a star I just made up her name if there is really anyone named Haley Blake then it was a coincident ) died on June 19th and left me here in the sad and now lonely world. The worse part is I couldn't keep 2 promises. 1.To protect her. I swear if I could I would take away her cancer and give it to me.I used all my money to pay for the best doctors but none could help 2. To get married and have a family and forget about her *Flashback* No one's POV ( during the flashback ) Hayley was dieing. She couldn't fight it anymore. She should have relaxed to recover better but she didnt as she died she struggled which made he weaker to tell James those 17 words "'ll forg-get about me and .....get married .....and hhh-have a family " she started to see blackness so she said her last words as quick as she could "I love you James,..Forever" was Hayley Blake's last words before she left the world leaving behind the people who loved her and more importantly James the boy who loved her since the 1st grade when the still believed in cooties. * End of ...
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