
15 December 2011

High CTR Theme Wordpress - The Ultimate Google AdSense Theme for Wordpress CMS

High CTR Theme Wordpress - The Ultimate Google AdSense Theme for Wordpress CMS
1.37 min. | 0 user rating | 1 views
Click Here , , CTR Theme (for Wordpress) makes it easy to build informational websites monetized with AdSense that get awesome click-through rates (CTR). AdSense provides hands-off recurring income, but usually these sites leave a lot of money on the table by having bad designs or underoptimized ad placement. CTR Theme makes it simple to turn almost any niche into a winner in just a few seconds.CTR Theme for WordPress helps online marketers make more money with AdSense by improving the clickthrough rate on ad blocks. Google AdSense representatives occasionally contact high-earning websites to recommend ad placement improvements. CTR Theme implements the Google-recommended placements that have helped niche sites earn over $4000 per month. With a single click of the button, you can choose to randomize ad placements between the Google-recommended positions. That means every time a visitor comes to the site, the ad layout could be different. This minimizes "ad blindness" and results in improved click-through rates (CTR). The idea behind CTR Theme is to make it dead easy for you to build an army of high-earning AdSense sites. This short video explains how CTR Theme helps solve some of the common problems faced by AdSense marketers.
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