
04 October 2011

Wow guests with easy-to-make dishes [NBC 9-28-2011]

Wow guests with easy-to-make dishes [NBC 9-28-2011]
3.82 min. | 0 user rating | views
Kung Pao chicken (Chinese: 宫保鸡丁; pinyin: gōng bǎo jī dīng; also spelled Kung Bao chicken, Gung Po chicken or Kung Po chicken in English) is a classic dish in Sichuan cuisine, originating in the Sichuan Province of central-western China. Allegedly, the dish is named after Ding Baozhen (1820--1886), a late Qing Dynasty official. Born in Guizhou, Ding served as head of Shandong province and later as governor of Sichuan province. His title was Gōng Bǎo (宮保), or palatial guardian. The name 'Kung Pao' chicken is derived from this title. During the Cultural Revolution, the dish was labeled as politically incorrect because of its association with Ding Baozhen. The dish was renamed 'fast-fried chicken cubes' (hong bao ji ding) or 'chicken cubes with seared chiles' (hu la ji ding) until its political rehabilitation in the 1980s. - Visit: Our channel sponsor. - This channel is like the 5+ year running: (has been named many different channel names over 5 years), but it's not and not related. Subscribe for more news. Like/Dislike, Comment, Favorite and share on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to get the word out on this video. - Take any of my videos and put them on your channel with a more interesting title (never know if this channel will get taken down): Archive this video with keepvid. Signup for the Daily News Email Subscription
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